Monday, 7 February 2011

FanpackUT3v1.0 is released and completely free. Spread the news!

Check the FanpackUT3v1.0's content and then download it with confidence. FanpackUT3v1.0 presents no errors and is completely safe.  It has not been tested enough, but so far I found no error. I recommend using mods and mutators with caution, read the readme files at first, to know what they do or how to use them. Too many mutators in games is not always too good, and can seriously harm playability.
If you find any errors that depends of FanpackUT3v1.0, please let me know. I have done everything possible for them to work perfectly all together.


Robert said...

YAY!! Awesome!! Thanks so much!!

Anonymous said...

This is fantastic, downloading now - thanks, you have saved me so much time :)

Anonymous said...

YEAH, i wait for this pack !

Giuseppe said...


Bl!tz said...

nice job m8, thx for ur time
-in the links on the left u referenced "activeboard " instead of UOF (unreal old friends), activeboard is the provider of the forum^^
-u absolutly dont need to install all the patches 1, 1.2 ,1.3 and 2.0....but only the last one :2.1 aka patch 5 ;-)

Evaneself said...

Thanks for your comments. I will do a better version of Fanpack.